Husein Abdulraheem


  My work experience:


 - I have woked at Chipolte Mexican Grill for three years and my position was a Trainer. I started working on the line and after that I got promoted to be a trainer after a short time and I started training new employees.

 - I have worked as a delivery driver at DoorDash in the weekends.

 - I have woked at Walmart  as a cashier for a year.

 - I have woked at Half Price Boxes  as an Assitant Manager for a year. It's a store where they sell moving supplies such as boxes, blankets, box cutter and a lot of other things.

 - I have also worked at an automobile shop where I used to change the cars engine oil and alternators.

 - I used to sale car parts on Ebay.

resturant food